Beyond Barriers: A Journey To Transcendence

Mon 8th & 15th April, 2024
8pm-9pm (UK)


Are you a dedicated professional in middle management, feeling stuck in your current role and eager to unlock your full potential and elevate your career to the next level?

This is your ticket to get to define, shapen, refine and get a clear cut clarity on your next move.

If You

  • Are unclear of the next move to make in career and personal life.

  • Don’t know how to package your existing skillset and experience so that you can transition into your level.

  • Are afraid that you will end up like Vincent van Gogh who had all those beautiful paintings and only got known post humus.

  • Are not clear of your strengths, weaknesses and how you can leverage yourself with existing opportunities or even create opportunities for yourself.

Join us for this FREE Taster session – you need to be in the virtual room.

Specifically, you’ll learn:

  • Techniques for identifying your personal and professional objectives.

  • Insights into the types of barriers (both internal and external) you might face and strategies for overcoming them.

  • How self-assessment exercises can illuminate your strengths and areas for improvement.

  • The importance of goal-setting activities in charting a clear path forward.

  • Approaches to transcend your identified barriers, setting the foundation for success.

  • Strategies for effective time and calendar management to ensure you prioritise tasks efficiently, avoiding overcommitment and maximising productivity.

Book your FREE slot by registering below