Are you in the habit of judging others based on rumours you have heard, based on pre-conceived notions, based on stereotypes, religion, race, etc?  It is best to avoid this practice. We should always have an open mind about people and be ready to work with people based on what we see because we are not bereft of faults, mistakes and issues

~ Uwem Umana

In our daily interactions, it is all too easy to fall into the habit of judging others based on rumours, preconceived notions, or stereotypes related to religion, race, or other factors. However, this practice not only harms those we judge but also limits our own growth and understanding. It is imperative to avoid such behaviour and strive for an open mind, evaluating people based on our direct experiences rather than unfounded beliefs.

The Damage of Prejudgment

Judging others based on hearsay or stereotypes creates a barrier to meaningful connections. It fosters an environment of mistrust and division, preventing us from seeing the true character and potential of those around us. When we judge someone without knowing them, we contribute to a culture of prejudice that can perpetuate discrimination and social injustice.

The Benefits of Open-Mindedness

Adopting an open-minded approach offers numerous benefits. Firstly, it allows us to build stronger, more genuine relationships. By evaluating people based on our interactions and observations, we give ourselves the chance to appreciate their unique qualities and contributions. This approach fosters mutual respect and understanding, which are essential for effective collaboration and community building.

Secondly, open-mindedness promotes personal growth. When we challenge our biases and assumptions, we expand our horizons and gain a deeper understanding of the world. This process of continuous learning enriches our lives and makes us more empathetic and well-rounded individuals.

Practical Steps to Avoid Judgement

  1. Self-Reflection: Regularly reflect on your own biases and preconceived notions. Acknowledge that everyone has faults, including yourself, and recognise that these do not define a person’s entire character.
  2. Seek Direct Experience: Form opinions based on your own experiences with individuals rather than relying on what others say. Engage in conversations and activities that allow you to interact with diverse groups of people.
  3. Embrace Diversity: Make a conscious effort to learn about different cultures, religions, and lifestyles. This knowledge can help dismantle stereotypes and build a more inclusive mindset.
  4. Listen Actively: Practice active listening when engaging with others. Pay attention to their stories and perspectives without immediate judgment. This can help you understand their experiences and viewpoints more fully.
  5. Challenge Stereotypes: Speak out against stereotypes and prejudices when you encounter them. Encourage others to adopt a more open-minded approach as well.


Judging others based on rumours, stereotypes, or preconceived notions is a detrimental practice that we must strive to avoid. By keeping an open mind and evaluating people based on our direct experiences, we can build stronger, more respectful relationships and promote a culture of inclusivity and understanding. Remember, we all have faults, mistakes, and issues, and recognising our shared humanity is the first step towards a more compassionate and just world. Let us all commit to seeing and valuing people for who they truly are, rather than who we presume them to be.

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Written by : eymadmin

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