Sean was invited for a lunchtime soccer game at the playground. He had never participated in such a vibrant sport. He never liked kicking balls because he felt he was no good. He was scared. His friend Terry dragged him into the game. He missed plenty balls, made awful mistakes and finally his leg touched the ball. He jubilated. He went back the next day and another day and another day for lunchtime footie. By the time he graduated from high school, he was one of the talents to watch out for in the lunch time footie

~ Uwem Umana

Sean’s story is one of overcoming fear, stepping out of his comfort zone, and discovering hidden talents. It began one seemingly ordinary lunchtime when he was invited to join a soccer game at the playground. Sean had never participated in such a vibrant and active sport. He had always shied away from kicking balls, convinced that he wasn’t any good. The thought of joining the game filled him with apprehension and doubt.

However, his friend Terry had other ideas. Recognising Sean’s potential and wanting to include him, Terry dragged Sean into the game. Sean’s initial experience was far from perfect. He missed plenty of balls and made numerous mistakes. Each missed kick and every fumble only seemed to confirm his fears. Yet, something remarkable happened. Sean’s leg finally connected with the ball, and that single touch was a turning point. The jubilation he felt at that moment ignited a spark of confidence within him.

Encouraged by his small victory, Sean returned to the playground the next day and the day after that. Each lunchtime, he faced his fears and joined the game, gradually improving his skills. His perseverance and determination began to pay off. With each game, his confidence grew, and he started to make fewer mistakes. What was once a source of fear and embarrassment became a daily challenge he eagerly embraced.

By the time Sean graduated from high school, he had transformed from a hesitant newcomer into one of the standout talents in lunchtime soccer. His journey from fear to proficiency is a testament to the power of persistence and the importance of stepping out of one’s comfort zone.

Lessons from Sean’s Journey

Sean’s experience offers valuable lessons for anyone facing their own fears and insecurities:

  1. Embrace Opportunities: When presented with new opportunities, especially those that intimidate us, it’s important to take a leap of faith. Accepting the challenge, as Sean did, is the first step towards growth.
  2. Overcome Initial Failures: Mistakes and failures are an inevitable part of learning something new. Sean’s initial missteps did not deter him; instead, they became stepping stones to improvement.
  3. Persistence Pays Off: Consistency and perseverance are crucial. Sean’s regular participation in the games allowed him to build his skills and confidence over time.
  4. Supportive Friends: Having a supportive friend or mentor can make a significant difference. Terry’s encouragement helped Sean take that crucial first step.
  5. Celebrate Small Victories: Each small achievement, like Sean’s first kick, can boost confidence and motivate further effort. Celebrating these moments keeps the momentum going.


Sean’s journey from a fearful novice to a talented soccer player is an inspiring reminder that our limitations often exist only in our minds. By facing our fears, embracing new challenges, and persistently working towards improvement, we can discover talents and abilities we never knew we had. Sean’s story encourages us all to step out of our comfort zones, support one another, and celebrate every small victory along the way. In doing so, we open ourselves up to a world of possibilities and personal growth.

Written by : eymadmin

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