We all have something to offer in life. Put it this way, some people are inventors(candles) while others are the ones who spread the news about the inventors (mirrors). Whatever your capacity, make sure you play your part well and never be the one who dims the candle

~ Uwem Umana

In life, we all have something unique to offer. Each of us plays a distinct role, contributing to the richness and diversity of our world. Some of us are inventors, the candles who bring new ideas and innovations to light. Others are the ones who spread the word about these inventors, the mirrors who reflect and amplify their achievements. Whatever our capacity, it is essential to play our part well and never be the one who dims the light of others.

The Candles: Innovators and Creators

Candles represent those who bring new ideas and innovations into the world. These are the inventors, artists, scientists, and thinkers who, through their creativity and hard work, illuminate paths previously unseen. Their contributions can range from groundbreaking technological advancements to inspiring works of art. They light the way forward, offering solutions to problems and enriching our lives with their creations.

Being a candle requires courage, perseverance, and a willingness to venture into the unknown. It involves taking risks and embracing the possibility of failure. Yet, the rewards are immense, as candles have the power to change the world and inspire others to do the same. Their light can spark new ideas and drive progress in countless ways.

The Mirrors: Amplifiers and Supporters

Mirrors, on the other hand, are those who reflect and spread the light of the candles. These individuals play a crucial role in recognising, celebrating, and disseminating the achievements of others. They can be journalists, teachers, marketers, or simply enthusiastic supporters who share the innovations and ideas they encounter.

Being a mirror is no less significant than being a candle. Without mirrors, the light of the candles would remain confined to a small circle, unable to reach and impact a broader audience. Mirrors ensure that the brilliance of the candles is seen and appreciated by many, thereby amplifying their impact. They create connections, foster understanding, and help build a supportive community around the creators.

Playing Our Part Well

Whether we are candles or mirrors, it is essential to embrace our roles with dedication and integrity. Playing our part well means recognising our strengths and using them to contribute positively to the world. It involves being proactive, supportive, and committed to making a difference, regardless of the scale of our impact.

For candles, this means continuing to innovate, create, and push the boundaries of what is possible. It means not being afraid to shine brightly, even in the face of adversity. For mirrors, it means actively seeking out and promoting the work of others, giving them the recognition and support they deserve. It means being a champion for the ideas and achievements that can drive positive change.

Never Dim the Light

One of the most crucial aspects of our roles is to never be the one who dims the light of others. Whether we are candles or mirrors, we must avoid actions that stifle creativity, discourage innovation, or undermine the contributions of others. This involves fostering a culture of respect, encouragement, and collaboration, where everyone feels valued and empowered to share their unique gifts.

In practical terms, this means offering constructive feedback rather than harsh criticism, celebrating successes rather than envying them, and working together rather than competing destructively. It means recognising that the success of one can benefit all and that by supporting each other, we can create a brighter and more prosperous future for everyone.

To conclude, in the grand tapestry of life, we all have something valuable to offer. Whether we are the candles who bring new ideas into the world or the mirrors who reflect and amplify those ideas, our roles are essential and interconnected. By embracing our capacities and playing our parts well, we can contribute to a world where innovation and inspiration thrive. Most importantly, we must ensure that we never dim the light of others, but instead, help it shine ever more brightly.

Written by : eymadmin

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