It is normal to feel sad when we lose a loved one.  We feel quite emotional and we try to look for ways to console ourselves. One way of doing this is by looking at all the nice memories we had with the person, old videos, photos, recollections, etc. If we feel so overwhelmed and need extra help, be sure to call out for support. Don’t let that burden rest on you because it will weigh you out and drain your recuperation.

~ Uwem Umana

Losing a loved one is one of the most challenging experiences we can face. The emotional turmoil that follows such a loss can be overwhelming, leaving us grappling with a myriad of feelings. It is entirely normal to feel sad and deeply emotional during this time. As we navigate through grief, it is important to find ways to console ourselves and seek support when needed.

Cherishing Memories

One of the most comforting ways to cope with the loss of a loved one is to cherish the memories you shared with them. Reflecting on the happy moments can bring a sense of peace and remind us of the joy they brought into our lives. Here are some ways to cherish these memories:

  1. Photographs and Videos: Looking through old photos and videos can be a powerful way to remember your loved one. These visual memories capture moments of happiness and togetherness, allowing you to relive those special times.
  2. Recollections and Stories: Sharing stories and recollections with friends and family can also be comforting. Talking about your loved one and the impact they had on your life can help keep their memory alive and provide solace.
  3. Keepsakes: Holding onto keepsakes that remind you of your loved one can be another way to feel close to them. Whether it’s a piece of jewellery, a letter, or any other memento, these items can serve as tangible reminders of their presence.

Seeking Support

Grieving is a deeply personal process, and everyone experiences it differently. While some may find comfort in solitude, others may need the support of friends, family, or professionals. It is important to recognise when you need extra help and to reach out for support. Here are some ways to seek support during this difficult time:

  1. Talk to Someone: Don’t hesitate to talk to friends or family members about your feelings. Sharing your grief can help lighten the emotional load and make you feel less isolated.
  2. Support Groups: Joining a support group can provide a sense of community and understanding. Being with others who have experienced similar losses can offer comfort and a shared space to express your emotions.
  3. Professional Help: If your grief feels overwhelming and unmanageable, seeking the help of a professional therapist or counsellor can be beneficial. They can provide strategies and support to help you cope with your loss.

Avoiding the Burden

One of the most important things to remember is not to let the burden of grief rest solely on your shoulders. Holding onto this burden can weigh you down and hinder your ability to heal. Allow yourself to lean on others and accept help when it’s offered. Grieving is a process that takes time, and it’s okay to need support along the way.


Grieving the loss of a loved one is an emotional journey that requires patience, compassion, and support. By cherishing the memories you shared and reaching out for support when needed, you can navigate through your grief more effectively. Remember, you are not alone in this process. Allow yourself to seek comfort in the company of others and professional support if necessary. Healing takes time, but with the right support and self-compassion, you can find your way through the pain and honour the memory of your loved one.

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Written by : eymadmin

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