Mark went on a posting to Iraq and when he returned his son did not recognize him. His parents, family and loved ones were so happy to have him back. His wife did not want to leave his side and Mark spent time reimagining his new life and acclamatising with a-once-before- life. Even the arguments he used to have with family took a whole new meaning to him now, he cherished it and would do anything to keep the present moment. Always make the moment count

~ Uwem Umana

When Mark returned from his posting in Iraq, he faced a poignant moment when his young son did not recognise him. The months spent away from home had created a distance, not just in miles but in memories and familiarity. Mark’s return was met with overwhelming joy from his parents, family, and loved ones. They were all relieved and ecstatic to have him back safe and sound. His wife, in particular, could hardly bear to leave his side, savouring every moment of his presence. For Mark, this homecoming marked the beginning of a journey to reimagine and acclimatise to a life he once knew intimately.

Reimagining Life

Mark’s reintegration into family life was not without its challenges. The routines and dynamics at home had evolved during his absence. He had to re-establish his role within the family, a task that required patience and understanding. This period of adjustment was a time for Mark to reflect on what truly mattered. Even the small arguments he used to have with his family now took on a different significance. These moments of conflict, which once seemed trivial or frustrating, became precious to him. They were a part of the daily life he had missed so dearly and now cherished.

The Value of Presence

Mark’s experience highlights the profound value of being present and making every moment count. His time away in Iraq had given him a new perspective on life’s fleeting nature. He learned to appreciate the mundane and the extraordinary aspects of everyday life. The laughter of his children, the quiet moments with his wife, and even the disagreements were all reminders of the life he had fought to protect and return to.

Making Every Moment Count

There are valuable lessons to be learned from Mark’s journey:

  1. Appreciate Loved Ones: Never take for granted the presence of family and friends. Their support and companionship are invaluable.
  2. Embrace Change: Adjusting to changes and re-establishing connections can be challenging, but it’s a vital part of personal growth and family cohesion.
  3. Value Small Moments: The small, everyday interactions are often the ones we miss the most. Cherish them, as they are the fabric of meaningful relationships.
  4. Stay Present: Being present means more than just physically being there. It’s about engaging fully in the moment, listening, and participating in the lives of those around you.

The Gift of Perspective

Mark’s time in Iraq had given him the gift of perspective. It reminded him of the impermanence of life and the importance of treasuring every moment with his loved ones. His story is a powerful reminder that we should all strive to live in the present and make each day count. The arguments, the laughter, the quiet moments – they all contribute to the rich tapestry of our lives.


Mark’s return home from Iraq was not just a physical journey but an emotional and psychological one. It was a journey of re-discovery, of re-connecting with loved ones, and of learning to cherish every moment. His experience teaches us the importance of living fully in the present, appreciating the people around us, and valuing every interaction, no matter how small. In our fast-paced lives, it’s easy to overlook the simple joys and take for granted the moments that truly matter. Let Mark’s story inspire us to always make the moment count.

Written by : eymadmin

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