Quote of the Day
Don’t feel discouraged when you have not yet hit success and when you hit success, don’t relent, because it is not the final bus stop
You do not hit success and stop because life is evolutionary and revolutionary. When you set goals for yourself and have not yet hit it, do not be discouraged, keep pressing, because you have to hit it. However when you hit it, do not stop, set more goals and do not let pride set in too. Stay humble and keep pressing.
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The Vital Ingredients for Learning: Asking Questions and Researching
There is no way you can learn stuff without asking questions and researching. These are two vital ingredients. If you don’t do the finding out, you are going to wallow in ignorance. So, engage in personal research, ask questions, talk to people who are more informed in the areas you want to learn more about and take a personal interest in these areas. Take ownership. It is a lot more shameful if you do not make the effort to learn compared to not knowing ~ Uwem Umana [...]
Uwem Umana breathes life and passion into his characters, in each of his narratives. He has an amazing eye for detail and great editorial instincts. Enrich your mind leaves you desiring for more. This page has my highest recommendation.
I was privileged to have met the founder of Enrich your Mind and tap into the understanding of the great pattern of turning thoughts into things and bringing results that I desired in my life. It took shorter than I expected to get into a leadership mindset that I am still reaping dividends from. I have no doubt in my mind that Enrich Your Mind is literally about enriching young minds with the wealth of knowledge that will propel them to become great leaders.
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Uwem Umana is a prolific author who has [...]
From the Founder’s Desk
Uwem Umana is always LIVE on Instagram every Friday to share rich content and secrets to success. Tag along and possibly send in a request, maybe, you could be the next community member to host a session with him.