Some people think that because they are new in a new career path or workplace, they are insufficient/inadequate and allow themselves to be cowed in. They hide under the expression “You know I am new here” and territorial people take advantage of that. Before you went to that career path or new workplace, you had something to offer and you still do have something to offer. But how can you offer your best when you are silent. Be vocal. Let your work speak for you. Make sure that whatever you submit is the best and that will shut critics’ mouth.  Give your opinion and don’t allow yourself to be pushed into a corner. You are equally a voice to be reckoned with

~ Uwem Umana


Entering a new career path or workplace can be a daunting experience, particularly when faced with the established dynamics and expertise of long-standing employees. However, the apprehension of being new does not equate to inadequacy. This essay explores the importance of asserting oneself in new professional environments, highlighting how individuals can effectively contribute and assert their worth from the outset, despite the initial challenges they may face.

The Misconception of Newness as Inadequacy

Many newcomers in professional settings often fall prey to the misconception that their inexperience within a specific environment renders them inadequate. This self-perception is exacerbated by the natural human tendency to compare oneself to more experienced colleagues, leading to feelings of inferiority. The common refrain “You know I am new here” becomes a protective but ultimately limiting shield that not only prevents individuals from showcasing their full potential but also opens the door for more territorial colleagues to dominate or marginalize them.

The Value of Pre-existing Skills and Perspectives

It is crucial to remember that being new to a job does not strip one of the skills, insights, and experiences accumulated over one’s career. These pre-existing attributes are precisely what made them a suitable candidate for the position in the first place. Each new employee brings a unique perspective that can contribute to innovation and improvement within the workplace. Recognizing and valuing one’s background and abilities is the first step towards contributing effectively in a new environment.

Assertiveness and Visibility

To counteract the overshadowing by more established colleagues, new employees must adopt a proactive stance. Being vocal about one’s ideas and participating actively in discussions are key strategies for asserting presence. Silence can often be misconstrued as agreement or lack of insight, whereas contributing thoughtfully to conversations demonstrates engagement and competence.

Additionally, letting one’s work speak is an equally powerful tool. Excellence in one’s output, attention to detail, and a commitment to quality are all tangible demonstrations of capability and dedication. Delivering high-quality work consistently not only builds credibility but also serves to “shut critics’ mouths,” as high performance is difficult to undermine.

Navigating Criticism and Establishing a Voice

Criticism is an inevitable aspect of any workplace, and it can be particularly intimidating for those who are new. However, the way one handles criticism can define their professional trajectory. Viewing criticism as a tool for growth rather than a personal attack allows for constructive engagement and demonstrates maturity and openness to improvement.

Being vocal also involves sharing one’s opinions and ideas. It’s important to communicate clearly and confidently, ensuring that contributions are heard and considered. New employees should strive to be seen as voices to be reckoned with, advocating for themselves and their ideas. This involves not only speaking up but also actively engaging in projects and initiatives that showcase their skills and contributions.


Embarking on a new career path or entering a new workplace does not diminish one’s worth or capabilities. On the contrary, it presents an opportunity to apply one’s skills and experiences in new ways, contributing to personal growth and the success of the organization. By being vocal, proactive, and committed to excellence, new employees can establish themselves as valuable, respected members of their new teams. Remember, every professional was once new in their role; what distinguishes successful individuals is not their tenure but their ability to effectively harness and articulate their potential right from the start.

Written by : eymadmin

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